"...You are here laying a foundation for the future of India and you are performing a very sacred duty. All that I want to say is, don't be contented with what you have achieved. The law of nature is either you move forward or you have to move backward. Therefore, if you want to move forward, you have to constantly work hard with determination and devotion..."
Shri G.D. Birla
A school that encourages you to trek on the rugged mountain slopes during the monsoon. Allows you to punch bags to express anger. A class room that opens out in the garden of flowers. A place bursting with smiling, happy faces of children. A hub of world-knowledge and Indian tradition – Yes ! one can go on and on and still not completely describe a fully residential Birla Public School. Situated in the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan the school enjoys, today, an unrivalled and unparalleled status of a ‘ Fine Institution ‘ of the country. Birla Public School holds a rich history of more than six decades – which was started by legendary and unpretentious paradigm of contemporary age – Shri G.D. Birla in 1944.
Vision : : Vidya Niketan (BPS, Pilani) envisages to be an institution of excellence dedicated to producing future leaders and useful dynamic global citizens.
Mission : : The school strives for excellence in school education that provides diverse and learner centric environment conducive for every individual student to realize his potential to the fullest to become an enlightened, vibrant and productive member of the society with strong ethical values and pluralistic ethos.