One of the unique features of Birla Public School is that it is a fully residential Boys School.


We believe that in a residential school it is possible to shape the personality of students on desired lines. In day school many activities get elbowed out due to the limited time available. At Birla Public School we help every boy to develop to his potential. The progress and behavior pattern of the boys is monitored meticulously and remedial help is given where necessary. Diversified activities on offer ensure all round development of the personality of our students.

The House has a very significant role to play in boys’ life at Birla Public School. House is their home, their place of work and the basis of their group or team identity. Inter-house competitive system that includes intellectual, sporting, cultural and plethora of other events is another unique feature of the BPS..

The School has 16 well designed hostels with all modern facilities.


Junior Section : Shishu Griha – I, Shishu Griha –II, Kumar Griha, Bal Griha and Kishor Griha.

Middle Section : Budha House, Mahavir House, Dayanand House, Guru Nanak House, Vivekanand House.

Senior Section : Panini House,Katyan House, Vashishtha House, Patanjali House, Vyaas House and Kanad House.


Each House, consists of well-designed and well furnished spacious dormitories with the capacity to accommodate 70 to 80 students. There is sufficient number of cubicles for the senior students. All dormitories have attached washrooms. Each house has a study room in which all the boys study during supervised study time. Teachers of all subjects visit the houses as per their duties and supervise the studies. Every house has a common room or recreation room where boys play chess, Table Tennis or play musical instruments during their leisure time. Every house has its mini library.


Each House has a Housemaster who is the head of the House Pastoral Team comprising of two Assistant House Masters, House Tutors, a Superintendent / Matron and attendants. The House Masters & an Assistant House Masters reside in the respective houses to constantly provide the pastoral care. A house attendant is also given a room attached to the house and is available round the clock.


All faculty members have been trained and motivated in such a manner that they leave no stone unturned to make the boys feel at home and create a healthy and conducive environment for the all-round development of the students under their care.



There are three large well- ventilated Dining Halls, one each in three sections of the school with all basic facilities. There is comfortable seating arrangement. Mess menu is meticulously prepared with expert advice of the dieticians to ensure a balanced, nutritious and tasty food for the growing boys. Cooking and serving is supervised by HMs and MOD (Master of the Day). There is a committee to ensure that there is no compromise so far as the quality of food items is concerned. The food is vegetarian but eggs are served. Housemasters, Assistant House Masters and Tutors take their meals with the students.



The school has a qualified residential doctor assisted by a team of nursing assistants. He is accountable for the health and hygiene of the students. The students who require advanced care and treatment are referred to the Birla Sarvajanik Hospital. Routine medical checkups of all students is carried out from time to time. Medical leave is granted if the school authorities in consultation with RMO feel that the requisite facilities are not available at Pilani.



To ensure proper medical care, there are three infirmaries, one each for Junior Section, Middle and Senior Section. Each infirmary has an isolation ward where children suffering from infectious diseases are quarantined. The school maintains three well-equipped dispensaries under the charge of a Medical Officer and four full time resident-trained nurses.

The Residential Medical Officer carries out medical checkup periodically. Vaccination and Inoculation for cholera and typhoid are compulsorily administered to all students unless they produce a certificate from a qualified and registered medical practitioner that they have already been inoculated /vaccinated. Parents/ guardians seeking admission for their sons/wards will have to fill up a form mentioning any allergy or anything particular relating to their ward's health for the information of the school medical officer. All students are medically examined at regular intervals. Their weight and height are recorded at the beginning and at the end of each term. In case of serious illness, the parents are kept informed about their daily progress.


General Daily Routine


  • Morning PT (Physical Training)

  • Breakfast

  • Assembly (Section-wise)

  • Classes (School Hours)

  • Lunch

  • Rest for two hours

  • Supervised self-study

  • Remedial cum preparatory classes

  • Games

  • Wash and change

  • Dinner

  • Common room (TV and indoor games etc)

  • Supervised self-study (in houses)

  • Night roll-call and lights off


All out efforts are made to create an atmosphere of mutual respect between the pastoral team/teachers and the students. The school ensures a strict discipline system but it is based on the principles of natural justice. At BPS there’s zero tolerance of bullying.