
               Anveshika is a unit of IAPT (The Indian Association of Physics Teachers). IAPT was established in the year 1984 by the great visionary, (Late) Dr. D. P. Khandelwal, with active support from some Physics teachers, with the aim of upgrading the quality of Physics teaching and Physics teachers at all levels. It has now grown into a major organisation with about 5000 life members spread all over about 1500 organisations throughout the country including about 100 members from abroad. The members include school, college, university teachers, research workers, science administrators and science savvy enthusiasts. For its grass root working, the country is divided into 20 regions, each with a regional council. The apex executive council, co-ordinates and directs the effort at the national level. All IAPT work is voluntary, No remuneration is paid to its members for any IAPT activity.
The first Anveshika was established at Kanpur under leadership of Dr. R.N. kapur.  An Experimental Physics Centre, established at SGM Inter College, Indira Nagar, Kanpur in 2001, provides a base for generating interest in Experimental Physics in young students upto +2 level, through learning by doing. Facilities exist for conducting Teachers’ Orientation Programmes for encouraging them to undertake class room teaching through demonstrations. 
There are 21 Anveshika centers in the country. BPS-IAPT Anveshika, Pilani is only one, working in Rajasthan since 2012.


1.        Making small low cost model for understanding the concept of physics.
2.        Giving opportunity to the students to explore basic concept of physics by hands on experiment.
3.        Conduct science quiz, workshop and organizing scientific lecture/talk.
4.        Organizing educational tour for the students.
About the management committee:


Affiliation /Designation

Special reference justifying his name

Mrs. Kajal Marwaha


Principle Supervisor

Mr. Manoranjan Kumar



Dr. Anshuman Dalvi

Asst. Prof.


Dr. Navin Singh

Asst. Prof.


Dr.Yogesh Vijay.


Advisor, Prsdident,VGU. JAIPUR

Mr. M M Pathak



Mr. Alok Marwal  



Mr. A.K.Pandey



Mr. Rigved Arya

TGT, Electronics


Mr.Rahul Sharma



Mr. Manish Kumar Singh









About Anveshika coordinator :       
 Manoranjan Kumar
 HOD Physics, Birla Public  School, 
 Pilani -Rajasthan-333031
 Phone: 9602442565

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Birla Public School has conducted Prelim level of National Anveshika Experimental Test 2019 on 28/08/2019. 25 Students of all Pilani BET schools, CEERI Vidha Mandir and Vidyapeeth Dundlod has participated.


Each student performed three experiments. The result will be announced on 1 September , 2019

Latest Activity:    
Upcoming activity:


Birla Public school, Pilani, is running Anveshika with collaboration of IAPT(Indian Association Of Physics Teachers) since 2012.  This year again we are organizing National  Anveshika Experimental Skill Test (NAEST) -2015 at preliminary level.
Anveshikas are centers for developing innovative experiments related to Physics teaching and learning, and promoting experiment-based teaching. There are 21 Anveshikas in India working under the umbrella of National Anveshika Network of India (NANI).
NANI is conducting  National  Anveshika Experimental Skill Test (NAEST) at all centers to encourage the culture of doing experiments. DR. H.C.Verma, Professor, I.I.T Kanpur, famous author of Concept of Physics, is the national Coordinator.There is No Registration Fee.The format of the test is as follows.
Nominations will be asked from schools for participating in NAEST. A maximum of 10 nominations per institution will be accepted. In special cases, individual nominations can also be accepted. This does not form a team as the competition is at individual level.
Out of the total nominations received at each Anveshika, screening will be done to select a maximum of 20, through a video quiz. A short experiment will be shown in each video and questions will be asked based on the experiments shown. Based on the answers screening will be done to select students for Prelim.
Each student in Prelim will be required to perform a set of 3 experiments. Evaluation will be done by the evaluating team on performing the experiment with care, results obtained and the analysis done. From each Anveshika, the topper in will move to Final.
Semi Final and Final
Semi Final and final competition of NAEST will be done at SGM-IAPT Anveshika, Kanpur. The semi finalists will be given another set of experiments to perform. Based on this, certain numbers will be selected for Final round. National Winners will be selected through a third set of experiments from these finalists.                                                                                                  
The National Winner of NAEST will be invited to the National Convention of IAPT at Haridwar  to receive the Prize in the Prize Distribution ceremony. Second and third runner ups will be given prizes at corresponding Anveshikas.
Besides this, the 3 toppers at Prelims will be given prizes at Anveshika.
National Winner:                             Rs 5000/-
National First runner up:               Rs 3000/-
National Second runner up:           Rs 2000/-
Anveshika level Prizes (5):  1st – Rs. 1000/-, 2nd Rs. 750/- and 3rd Rs. 500/-, Special Prizes for Std IX and X toppers Rs. 500/- x 2
Important Dates-
Receiving nominations from Institutions – August 17, 2017
Screening : 19 August 2017 , 2 PM- 3 PM
Prelims: 26 August 2017, 1 PM – 4 PM  for School Level
              27 August 2017, 10 PM – 1 PM for College Level
Semi Final (at SGM-IAPT Anveshika), 17 September, 2017, 3 PM-6 PM
Final (at SGM-IAPT Anveshika), 18 September, 2017, 9 AM onwards.
National Winner Prize: October 31, 2017.
Please send the name of the participants at the given address/email by 17 Aug 2017.
Principal, Birla Public School, Pilani (Raj.)-333031
You can also send via email at . You can contact Mr. Manoranjan Kumar, phone no. 9602442565 in case of any query.
