At Birla Public School, we realize the growing importance of fostering global competence among the students. The School has integrated international learning into the school curriculum to ensure that the school produces 21st century ready global leaders/citizens.
Global Tours and Student Exchange Prgrammes : Global tours and teacher / student exchange programmes are an integral part of the school curriculum. Global tours to many countries like France, Spain, Vatican City, Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy, Thailand, Germany, Austria and the United States are organised to give our students international exposure and thus cultivate global competence.
International School Award : The school was given International School Award by British Council last year for successful integration of international learning to the school curriculum. Our students successfully worked on some projects in collaboration with other countries. These projects had the approval of British Council. For example one study project on Rainwater Harvesting was done in collaboration with the students of one school from the United Arabs Emirates. Eight members of our school faculty including Principal, BPS were given Certificates as recognition of their contribution towards integrating international learning with school curriculum.
Membership of Round Square : BPS is the member of Round Square Conference and teachers and students attend and host International conferences aimed at inculcating global competence among students.
Memebership of Tony Blair’s International Organisation : Our school is a member of Tony Blair’s International Organisation ‘Face to Faith’. Our students discuss International issues with students of reputed schools of other countries like USA, Britain, Indonesia Canada and many other countries on topics like Human Rights, environment, refugees’ problem and other international issues through Video Conferencing. Our students get good feedback from the facilitators and observers of these VCs for the genuine interest and concern shown by our students. The contribution of our school was recognized in the form of a Bronze Award by Tony Blair’s International Organisation for commendable contribution of our students in these VCs. Five teachers of our school were also awarded for teaching Face to Faith programme and connecting young people of different faiths and beliefs around the world and enhancing religious harmony and tolerance.