Travel expands one’s horizons and it is hard to imagine school life without the fun and adventure of trips and excursions and that is why Local, national and global educational tours are an integrated component of the school curriculum. Every year students go on an educational tour to different places like Chandigarh - Amritsar - Wagha Boarder, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Pondichery, Nainital, Koraput - Mussorrie, Ooty, Bangalore, Goa, Mumbai, Shimla, Kullu Manali, Dalhousie, Pachmarhi ,Goumukh and foreign countries like USA, UK, Singapore etc.

The treks are organized for the senior students every year. Some of the high peaks scaled by the students include Meru Glacier (18,000 ft.) Panch Chuli Glacier (16,000 ft.) and Harmukh and Harbhagwan peaks in Jammu and Kashmir. These meticulously planned trips not only extend a much needed break from the hectic daily schedule but also lend an opportunity to the teachers and learners to strengthen their bond with each other.