Steps for Online Registration (New Admission)
- Visit the School website
- Click on “Online Registration-Sign up” given on home page
- Register your self by using “E-mail id & create the new Password” for further use
- Open your e-mail and Activate your account
- Click on “Go to Login Page”
- Enter the “E-mail id & Password”
- Click on “Admission Tab” and select “New Admission”
- Kindly Fillin all required details in sequence in the “Registration Form”
- After filling all the entries click on “Make Payment”
- Note down the “Enquiry Reference Number” (may be required for payment options, you will receive in e-mail)
- Select your payment option “Credit Card”, “Debit Card” or “Net Banking”
- After selecting the Payment Mode, select Bank and thereafter click on “Proceed Now” Tab
- Post successful payment, you will receive e-receipt, keep it for future reference
- This payment will be credited in School Bank A/c within 2 – 4 working days